The Secret of Excalibur Page 31
Arthur recoiled back in fear. Touch Excalibur? Is she nuts? He still hadn't fully recovered from the mental contact he'd had with the Shalit in the cavern. Heaven knows what would happen if I actually touched the damn thing. No way. In his mind came an image: a white daisy with a blue center, and over the middle of the flower, a pair of gray eyes floated down. The picture infused Arthur with such warmth and joy, tears of happiness welled in his eyes. A white beam flashed out, touching the daisy, leaving it burnt and wilted. Okay. Okay. I get the picture. If he didn't try, Daisy would die. They all would.
Peering down at Daisy, he said, “I have no idea what's going on, or how we got here, but I trust you, baby. I'll destroy the ships for you.”
He took a deep breath, preparing himself for the worst kind of pain imaginable. Concentrating hard on the seven Calen ships, with creases around his mouth and forehead, he reached out and grabbed the tip of the sword. His eyes widened in surprise; all he felt was the chill of the steel blade.
“Cigsbah!” Tigget yelled, pointing at the screens. “They have fired upon us, my leader.”
The room became deathly silent as all eyes followed the white beam heading toward their ship. Abruptly, the screens lit up as the seven ships exploded into bright, molten balls of fire. Arthur threw up his arm to shield his eyes from the sudden glare.
Cheering and yelling broke out in the small, round room as the crew celebrated their victory. Arthur wasn't cheering, as he watched that thin, white line continue to advance toward them. He had no idea what it was, but he knew it meant trouble. He shook his head. How did I destroy those ships? I'm not powerful enough. At least, I don't think I am.
Arthur watched the displays, as the menacing white line crept closer and closer, until it was too close to their ship to be seen on the screens anymore. Bracing for he knew not what, he watched the beam breach the hull and enter the room.
Arthur stared, speechless, as the beam traveled soundlessly across the room, hitting his hand where it still gripped the tip of Excalibur. Upon impact, a flash of light shot out from the end of the sword. As Arthur stared open-mouthed at the deep gouge on the back of his hand, the beam passed through the opposite wall, penetrating the adjacent side of the ship's hull.
What the hell was that? Arthur wondered, terrified. It had infiltrated his force-field. His stomach clenched in fear, and his hand throbbed in pain. I'm no longer invincible, at least, not in space.
Daisy's voice screamed into his mind, *Remove us from here, Arthur, before we implode!*
Arthur didn't need to be told twice. Once again, he focused on Ruth's garden, wanting to get back home where he knew he was safe. Concentrating on everyone in the room, he BLIPPED!
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Other books on Amazon:
It Lives in the Basement
Short Stories
Keeper of the Unicorns
Nightmare Storm
The Birthday Card
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