The Secret of Excalibur Read online

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  Their race is also explorers, and has been on Earth, for what? A thousand what? Sun circuits? Years? Yes. More than a thousand years, right here in this cavern.

  Her–what? Old parents? Grandparents. Yes, her grandparents were in the original group. My God. Her grandmother was The Lady of the Lake. The sword was her responsibility. She brought the sword with her when they came here. The Shalit. Her great-great-great grandmother was the one who imprisoned it. Thousands of Shalits have been imprisoned, and each has been imprisoned by Daisy's ancestors. These women are responsible for keeping the Shalits contained. They are the evil terrors of the Universe. If even one Shalit escapes, it would mean the end of the Universe.

  The sword was passed to Daisy when her mother–what? Died? No, more like retired. Daisy then became the flower who saved my life earlier. She's the only one who can control the silver power of the Shalit, but only as long as it's kept contained in the sword shape. And the sword was passed down to her what? Thirty orbits ago? Jesus, Daisy's more than sixty years old. Her mother gave her the sword when she turned thirty, but Daisy looks like she's only twenty-five.

  A submarine. Yes. A sub showed up here, what? Five orbits ago. They captured the crew. They used the sub to what? Monitor? Scan? Watch the lake? All of the above. Then, another sub showed up, and another. They imprisoned the crews, taking care of them. They didn't want to harm anyone, but they had to keep watch over the lake.

  For many generations, they've been watching, and now, what they've been waiting for is here. Gray Eyes. He will have the power to ensure that the Shalits will never escape, for if they do, the whole Universe will be doomed, as it had been before when the Shalits first showed up. And that's been so many orbits of so many planets ago, that I can't even hazard a guess.

  Then, Gray Eyes came into his power. (Me?) Their elders told long ago the Shalits could be eliminated forever, but only by a man with mental abilities. Their race travelled to a small, developing planet, because somehow they knew the power would present itself here at this lake. It didn't make any sense to me, but hey, it wasn't my story.

  Daisy was the leader here, and when we blew the cavern exits, her people panicked. She ordered all the men to leave, and she and her three–what? Helpers? Aides? Would follow in the last spaceship. The frightened men took off in three spaceships under full power, causing the roof to fall in, which resulted in killing her friends, and leaving Daisy severely injured.

  She knew her duty was to stay and wait for Gray Eyes, he would come for her. She'd contacted him many times in the past orbits, but he never realized what it was, or why he was coming to her. She would wait for him, or die if anyone else found her. And if she died, the Shalit would be free.

  Holy Mother of God. The accidental release of that terrible, evil power had been too close.

  The pictures of the blue-centered flower and the gray eyes shows in my mind again, together. They're each sitting in chairs, with people standing below them. Thrones. Daisy and I sitting on thrones.

  She calls me in to her subconscious and I respond. I'm to what? Take her? Save her? Yes. Use my abilities to save her and get her away. Gray Eyes, swirling power, smaller flowers. Yes. My mental powers are much stronger than anything they can do. They lost most of their powers over the orbits.

  Again, the flower and the Gray Eyes over it, they become one, and small flowers pop up all over. Tears start flowing from Daisy's eyes again. An incredibly intense feeling of gentle warmth and affection pervades me.

  *Daisy, I think you're saying you love me. Well, I love you too, and, Daisy girl, you're a part of me just as I'm a part of you.*

  Her hands come up around my neck, and she pulls me down to her lips.

  * * *

  Ruth is sitting dejectedly in a chair by the fire-pit, near Tober. Breckenridge is on the radio.

  “Ma'am, Commander Dobie for you.” He hands her the radio.

  Straightening, she angrily wipes her eyes, taking a few deep breaths, trying to control herself. She talks into the radio. “Yes, sir, Commander.”

  “Dr. Burns, any word from Arthur yet?”

  “No, sir, and there won't be any either. But, at least, we have the three alien bodies, the two spaceships and the Russian subs. We're in the process of removing the dead Russians, and giving medical care to the three survivors. I guess we'll have to settle for what we do have, sir,” she ends with a sad sigh, slumping back into her chair.

  “Yes. Ahem, quite, Ruth.” Dobie clears his throat, continuing in a warmer, hesitant voice, “Go home, girl, get some rest. Uh, and Ruth, uh, I'm sorry. Dobie out.”

  Ruth drops the radio on the fire-pit and wanders down to the beach. She's crying softly again.

  Dr. Tober follows her, gently squeezing her shoulder. “I'm sure they're fine, Ruth.”

  “Yes, Doctor, I'm sure they are.” She kneels in the sand, head down, and sobs uncontrollably, rocking back and forth. Tober quietly walks away looking lost and confused.

  A while later, Ruth looks up to the stars, crying, “Oh, Arthur, I love you, wherever you are.”


  March 6, 2018

  London, England

  Commander Dobie died last night in his sleep. He was reported to have died with a content smile on his face. He made me promise not to publicly mention anything about our incredible adventure until his death. He didn't want his reputation besmirched by reports of UFOs and alien bodies, though he did consent to supplying me with facts and data I didn't have access to. But most of it I already knew, from Arthur. As I fled the cavern, so many years ago, Arthur gave me one final gift, Arthur's Story. So today, on my daughter's birthday, I sit at my processor to finally write his amazing tale.

  All the records of our discoveries from the cavern have been sealed, to be opened at a later date. Our new Prime Minister is still afraid to tell the world of what we discovered. I really can't blame him. Who would believe us anyway? Dr. Tober, with me and several teams with various technical specialties, spent years studying all the alien equipment we found in the cavern. We never could make any of it work. But my daughter can.

  After I realized I was pregnant, Greg Breckenridge, the honorable man he is, insisted we marry. He's a wonderful man and we've had a happy, prosperous marriage. He's now a Cabinet Minister, as my father was, and a very powerful and respected man. Over the years, we've grown to love each other, and he's been such a good father to my daughter, Pamela. We've tried to have more children, but I couldn't get pregnant again. The doctors were stumped at why I couldn't have any more children. But I wasn't. Arthur assured me I could have children after he placed the force-field around me, but he was having so much trouble with his abilities then, who knows what happened. He was also supposed to be sterile.

  But, at least, I have something from Arthur I'll always cherish and love. I know precisely when Arthur impregnated me, during that amazing act of love where it felt as if we had melded into one entity, one of the most extraordinary experiences I've ever had with another person. Unfortunately, I never had a chance to discuss it with Arthur. I've always wondered whether Daisy was the cause of my pregnancy. She had to have known how Arthur and I felt about each other. Maybe Pam was her gift to me, knowing she would be taking Arthur away with her. I'll never know.

  After Pamela was born, I gave her a good, proper English name, but her father gave her so much more. I'm now sixty-two and only look a few years older than Pam. We get mistaken for sisters, which upsets her, but I think is hilarious. Believe me, I'll never tell anyone my secret. Arthur would be sixty-three, and I often wonder what he looks like today, probably the same dashing man, with his compelling gray eyes and devil-may-care grin.

  I realize what I'm writing is a fantastic, unbelievable story. I lived it and still am, through my daughter. Of course, I changed all the pertinent names, then had to wait until Commander Dobie died. But, this story is true. I have Pam for the proof; she can do everything that her father can. Recently, she learned how to make her own force-
field. Raising her has been a trial, and another story all on its own. They are so alike, Arthur and his daughter.

  Over the years, I've told her everything I know about her father. But she always wants to know more. She's been searching for Arthur, and I know one day she'll find him. She's already felt him, and flashes of alive, metal and not moving. She's getting closer. Wherever he went with his alien Lady, they took Excalibur with them. So, Pam's been focusing on the sword and its great power.

  I don't understand the fundamentals of how their abilities work, though Pam keeps trying to explain them to me. I'm just human after all. But they aren't; not quite. Greg and I have worked diligently at protecting our daughter and keeping her abilities hidden. Of course, like Arthur, I would like to see our government try to control her. That would be worth watching, but from a distance. She also inherited her father's short temper.

  When she finally locates her father, in some far off galaxy or universe, she'll travel there in that BLIP! way she has. She wants me to go with her, but I won't. Here, she's a freak. There, I'd be one. I would do anything to see Arthur again, but I won't go. Earth is where I belong. And though I'll miss Pam with all my heart, I know she belongs with Arthur, just as he belongs with his Lady. And together, they must hold onto the sword. They must! But I'm not afraid, if anyone can control the Shalit, my Arthur can.

  I'm so fortunate we found each other. He helped and healed me in ways no one else could. I will always be grateful to him for saving me. Each night, I look at the stars and talk to my Arthur. He hears me, too. I'm sure of it. Good bye Arthur, until we meet again.

  Dame Doctor Ruth Judith Burns (Merlin) Breckenridge

  The adult adventure continues with


  Chapter One

  Army boots: stomping, smashing the daisy with the blue center.

  Arthur Merlin jerked his head back. He'd been so entranced with the fathomless, turquoise eyes of the breathtaking female before him he'd lost all track of time. He blinked several times, shaking his head, trying to clear his mind. The surrounding noises caught his attention, the dripping of water into the small, inner cavern lake, the shuffling of equipment being set-up, and the echoing of voices off the distant walls.

  The image flashed through his mind again, more forcefully. Army boots: squashing, grinding the daisy with the blue center into the cavern floor, until all that remained were small, unidentifiable pieces.

  Oh, shit. Major Breckenridge and Alpha Team. He'd forgotten about them. Arthur had a lot of respect for the Major, especially after everything they'd gone through at Heathrow Airport and Lake George, but he couldn't let Daisy fall into their hands. If she did, who knew what would happen to the evil entity trapped inside the legendary Excalibur? Daisy was the only person who could control it. Just thinking about the Shalit escaping its prison made Arthur break out in a cold sweat. He'd already had his confrontation with the alien being, and lost. If it hadn't been for Daisy, he'd be dead. Arthur had to find a way to save Daisy, and keep the Shalit contained.

  He glanced at the tunnel entrance where Major Breckenridge and Dr. Tober were striding purposefully toward him. He peered back down at Daisy. She gazed up at him with such love and trust. His breath caught as he found himself falling under her spell. He shook his head. No, I can't let myself get mesmerized again. She's in danger. I have to save her.

  Gray eyes over daisy with blue center and then they disappeared.

  *Yes, baby, I'm getting you out of here,* he mentally reassured her.

  But, to where? Daisy needs medical treatment. Who can I trust? Ruth. Ruth will help us. She knew about the Shalit, and the need to keep it contained. Remembering Ruth fleeing the cavern, clutching her necklace, made his heart wrench. Arthur sighed. I hurt Ruth. I didn't mean to. He hadn't meant to fall in love either.

  During Vietnam, too many of his friends died in his arms while bleeding to death, or he watched as they disappeared in showers of blood and gore. He learned the mantra of 'It don't mean nothin',' and hardened his heart to everyone, and everything. Even after the war, those walls stayed firmly in place. Until he met Ruth. She waltzed into his life, ripping through his shackled heart and liberating the man he'd hidden away. Because of her, he felt love again.

  Arthur peered down at the alien woman in his arms. If I'd never met Ruth, would my heart be as open to Daisy? He shook his head. He had no way of knowing, but he was starting to feel like a pawn in a game of kismet. He gave a frustrated sigh. It didn't matter right now. He had to get Daisy to safety. I'll deal with the emotional side of my heart later.

  Arthur gathered the injured Daisy into his arms, focusing on Ruth's home in White Water and the beautiful garden behind the house. Locating the bench where Arthur had stolen his first kiss from Ruth, he BLIPPED!

  With a startled cry, Arthur stumbled back a few steps, falling on his rear end, clutching Daisy tightly to his chest. A second later, a loud clattering drew his attention, an ornate, silver sword sliding from Daisy's limp hand. What the hell? Why am I sitting on a cold, metal floor instead of the stone bench? Where the hell are we? How did we get here?

  His gaze fell on the sword. He tried scooching away from it, heart thundering in his chest, palms breaking out in sweat. Why is Excalibur here? He hadn't brought the sword with them. He had no reason to. Why would I bring something I'm terrified of?

  Confused, Arthur peered down at Daisy. Her face paler than normal, she appeared to be unconscious and barely breathing. With concern, he lightly stroked her cheek. What happened to her? She was awake a few moments ago.

  Hearing loud gasps from above him, Arthur looked up, seeing three women wearing matching silver uniforms with black piping. They were aiming weapons at him that looked like ray guns from sci-fi movies. He shook his head in disbelief. Did we end up on a movie set somewhere?

  “So, who are you with?” Arthur asked jokingly, “Hans Solo, or Darth Vader?” He inspected the threesome further, noticing they had the same seashell ears Daisy did. Oh, shit. Are those guns real?

  The pale women didn't seem amused as they frowned down at him. “Earthman, you hold our leader. Place her on the floor and back away, or we will fire and end your Human existence,” the tallest one demanded in accented English, her weapon pointed unwaveringly at Arthur's forehead.

  Even though the ray guns looked like toys to Arthur, he had no idea what they might do to his force-field. Just my luck. I jumped from the frying pan into the fire. He gently lifted Daisy from his lap, and laid her on the cold floor. He scowled at the space women as he slowly stood with raised arms, then backed up a few steps. He glanced over the round, metal room, and his mouth dropped open. Holy shit! We're in one of the spaceships that escaped from the cavern.

  Loud alarms started blaring, and orange lights were flashing from the domed ceiling. A woman sitting at a console swiveled around in her chair, yelling, “Attack! Seven Calen ships have surrounded us. They demand our surrender, and the release of Emeara and the Earthman to them, or they will open fire. What shall we do, Commander Tigget?”

  The tall space woman's pale lips tightened as she peered down at her leader, lying helpless on the floor.

  Daisy's eyelids fluttered as she slowly opened them to regard her best friend. She'd used most of her mental energy to redirect Arthur's teleportation to this Calen ship. She could not allow the Humans to capture her, or the Excalibur/Shalit would've endangered the whole universe. She looked up at her Gray Eyes, the only man powerful enough to save them from the seven Calen ships.

  *Tig, you must trust this Human,* she said, in a weak mental voice, reaching out to Tigget and Arthur. *He is the one foretold by our ancestors.*

  Commander Tigget glanced back and forth from her leader, and friend, to the Human male, but she never lowered her weapon.

  *Tig, if we wish to survive, you must turn the battle over to him,* Daisy said telepathically. *Arthur, we cannot allow ourselves to be taken. We will die before we surrender. You two must
join forces, to protect and save us.*

  With a slight nod to her leader, Tig holstered her gun, and then strode to a row of screens. She punched a button, and they turned on, displaying seven ships.

  These are the aliens that have been watching Earth, Arthur thought, as he stared open-mouthed at the classic style of UFOs, seen for centuries all over his planet. Since there were still two women, with guns aimed at him, Arthur carefully lowered his arms then knelt next to Daisy, cradling her head in his lap. He wiped the sweat from her brow with a trembling hand. What do they expect me to do?

  Tig looked at the two space women holding ray guns. “Holster your weapons. Upon our leader's request, we must trust this Human.” As they complied, she spoke to the woman at the console, “Inform the Commander of the Calen ships that we will never surrender. If they wish to die in battle, we shall accommodate them.” While her message was being relayed to the commander of the opposing fleet, Tig turned to Arthur, looking him up and down with cold, blue eyes. “I know not what you can do, if anything, to save us, but you must act fast. If they fire upon us, we are dead.”

  Arthur tried swallowing the lump growing in his throat. I'm so out of my element here. Using his powers on Earth was one thing, but trying to take down seven spaceships was an entirely different matter. There's no way my powers are strong enough. Hell, nobody's would be. He rubbed his forehead, feeling overwhelmed. Everything was happening too fast for him to keep up. We're supposed to be in Ruth's garden, not in the middle of a stupid space battle. Arthur knelt there, unmoving, not knowing what to do.

  Daisy weakly raised her arm, pointing toward the silver sword. *Arthur, all you need do is touch the tip of Excalibur, and you shall destroy the ships. You must hurry.*