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The Revenge of Excalibur Page 15
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Page 15
“We will get you fixed right up,” Tig said, beaming at Panth. “A good hot bath, a thorough brushing, a little perfume, and you will be as good as new.”
Tig and Tobah took one hand on each side of Panth, and led him down the corridor. I am so glad I came up with the idea of Panth staying on Calen, Tig thought with a self-satisfied smile, as she escorted him into a hallway where Daisy and Arthur's children's bedrooms were located.
Strolling along with a beautiful, female Calen on each side, Panth thought, Maybe staying on Calen was a good idea after all.
* * *
Pam, Excalibur, and Pohat stood next to a steep hill located in the mountainous region of Teth. These weren't the type of mountains Pam was used to. They didn't have snow or living green plants, just brown, dusty rock formations. What a depressing planet, Pam thought. I can't even imagine living here.
They had visited Eilsel, where they returned the surviving prisoners and the dead to their home world. Both Calen and Eilsel were lush, vibrant planets, while Teth was nothing but a huge dust bowl. Pam shook her head. Since she'd been around all three species, she found the Tethians were the most intelligent and sensitive of the three races. Yet, they were treated so badly, reminding her of the Native Americans on Earth.
While they'd been on Eilsel, Pam made it clear to their leaders they would no longer abuse the Tethian people. Instead, they would build trade relations with them. Since she had a huge, hulking Shalit by her side, the terrified leaders were more than willing to comply. Rumors had already reached them about this daughter of Arthur's. She not only had his amazing powers, but she controlled a Shalit. Pam smiled at their fear and subservient attitude. She would do whatever it took to bring peace to the Tethian world.
Pam mentally scanned the hill, feeling the trademark signature of Husken Silver buried underneath the dry, barren ground. “Are you sure these are Shalits and not the Others?” she asked, biting her lip. They all felt the same to her.
“They are not all Shalits. After I have unearthed the silver casings, I will sort out the ones containing Shalits and leave the Others.” With a flick of his wrist, the whole top of the huge hill flew backwards, landing gently on the ground behind the ridge.
Pohat gasped, taking several steps backwards, her eyes wide with fright, hands clasped to her stomach. As the dust settled, Pam saw thousands of silver objects glittering under the stark, relentless sun. She was stunned. She knew they'd be freeing imprisoned Shalits, but she had no clue there would be so many. They had been trapped for almost as long as Cal.
Excalibur began walking among them, removing some, leaving others. As he worked, the sun set and two full moons rose. The darkness didn't seem to daunt him, but Pam needed some light, so she conjured up a string of fluorescent lanterns, and a few chairs to relax in.
After a few hours, the task had been completed. Out of all the silver cases, only five hundred remained in the hole. These were the Others, the Planet Destroyers.
Excalibur strode over to the enormous pile of contained Shalits. He sat cross-legged on the ground, and began mentally communicating with them, telling them his plans, and what he expected from them once they were released.
Excalibur let his thoughts flow to Pohat, and as he unveiled his plans, two of her hands flew to her mouth, and she started giggling. She glanced sideways at Pam, who gave her a return smile, nodding her head.
“By Osso, Excalibur has a brilliant course of action, Pamela. Some of the citizens from both worlds will feel threatened by his idea, and it will not be widely accepted at first, but it is the best plan I have heard. Oh, poor Panth. I hope he enjoys his role.” She started giggling again, this time Pam laughing with her.
In between giggles, Pam said, “I'm afraid your brave brother has no choice. On my world, we call it being suckered. But, he's only part of the equation. We need your help to finish it. Do you have any ideas or suggestions?”
Pohat looked thoughtful, her facial hairs twitching as her mouth turned down. “Pamela, I may have a solution. In the cell next to mine were three women from the ruling family of Eilsel. Sadly, two of them died, but Sheeta survived. You may have seen her, as she would have been in the group we took to Eilsel. They did not support what the Eilsel men were doing on Teth, so they were captured and imprisoned. I believe Sheeta would not take much persuasion to partake in your strategy.”
“She sounds perfect, Pohat. Cal will give her a visit when we're done here. Thank you for helping.” Pam reached out and lightly clasped one of Pohat's hands.
“You are truly welcome, Pamela.” She smiled, giving a light squeeze in return.
Excalibur rose, stepping over to Pam, looking down at her with his intense eyes. “My people are ready. They are prepared, and agreeable to my plan. Queen Pamela, please release my people.”
Pam stood, taking one of Cal's hands. This was a momentous occasion for him, and his people. Then why am I afraid? she wondered, chewing her lip. What if he selected one of The Planet Destroyers by mistake? She didn't want to be responsible for setting even one of them free to wreak havoc in the universe.
Reading the uncertainty in her mind, Excalibur kissed the palm of her hand. “Do not fear, little one. I have chosen wisely.”
He was gazing down at her with such love in his eyes, how could she not trust him? Yes, he implanted a suggestion in my mind so I would accept him as a Human male instead of a Shalit. But in the scheme of things, did it really matter? The few men on Earth she'd had relationships with didn't compare to how she felt with Cal. She could be herself, all of herself, not having to hide her powers. And, the sex was fabulous. That was a huge mark in his favor already. Thinking of huge reminded her of Cal's breeding organ, which made her face grow warm, her blood boiling for his embrace.
He leered down at her, knowing what she was thinking. “Later, Pamela,” Excalibur whispered, his throaty voice making her shiver. “For now, we must free my people.”
Pam nodded, then glided to the pile of shimmering, silver globes. She took a deep breath and focused, thinking of a warm, gentle, summer rainstorm. A dark cloud appeared overhead, expanding until it covered the whole field. Warm, soft, gentle rain began falling onto the exposed containers.
Pohat watched in wonder, her eyes huge, turning around, arms outstretched, face uplifted to receive the warm water falling down. Rain clouds were such a rare event on Teth, and Pam had just conjured one out of thin air. If Panth found a way to enhance their brains, as he envisioned while in prison, they could create their own rain clouds. Teth could be transformed from this bare, dusty world into something beautiful and magnificent.
Pohat stopped, staring at the silver objects. When she'd first found the containers, she tried everything she could think of to open one. But she never thought of water. How simple. Her fur rustled, shivering in fright. She might have accidentally released one of the Others. I am so happy I never figured out the proper catalyst.
As the warm, fresh rain pattered onto the gleaming orbs, dark shapes shot up through the rain cloud, going up so far they disappeared from sight. Some of the shapes stayed on the ground, taking the forms of the Calen or Eilsel races. Pam could see the wonder on their faces, as they flexed their arms, stared up at the night sky, breathing deeply of the rain-scented air. After a million Earth years of imprisonment, they were feeling freedom again.
Looking around at the historical scene before her, Pam's throat tightened with emotion. Her eyes fell on several small, six legged creatures furiously breeding away. She gulped, her face draining of color. These were Shalits, in their natural breeding form. Cal had told her, but until she actually saw them, she really couldn't believe it. She glanced sideways at Cal, trying to picture him as one of these small animals. Nope. Thank God, he took the shape of a Human male.
Pohat started laughing. “Why, those are Rems. I have pictos of them from years ago. We thought they were extinct.”
Excalibur chuckled. “Shalits ARE Rems, and Tethians share the same parentage.”
Pohat's arms waved about, her facial hairs twitching. “I don't understand. Then what are Eilsels?”
“We are all genetically connected. Calen and Eilsels were the parents of the Patens, who were the parents of the Rems, and also the Tethians.” Excalibur turned toward Pam. “Even Humans have our DNA. The Calens genetically engineered homo sapiens when they first started evolving. Our vast universe is actually small worlds of inter-related life forms.”
Pam stared at him with her mouth agape. Growing up, she knew there was life on other planets. It'd been hard for her not to spill the beans when getting into heated debates about proof of extraterrestrials. After all, her father had left with one. She'd read theories of homo sapien's being genetically engineered during their evolutionary period, but she never put two-and-two together before. Thank goodness it'd been the Calens and not the Eilsels; otherwise Humans might be sporting four arms and legs.
*You'll have to tell me the whole story,* she said mentally to Excalibur.
*As you wish. I know the long history of our people, as I was part of the original contingent of Shalits that conversed with The One. Technically, all sentient life forms that evolve to the point of shedding their mortal bodies become Shalits. Once this evolutionary event happens, they seek out beings of their own kind, migrating to the universe where The One found us. That is a simplified explanation, as we have more pressing matters to attend to."
Pam nodded, stunned by his revelation. Were Shalits God? Noting there weren't any more Shalits escaping the silver orbs, she stopped the rain, the dark cloud slowly disintegrating.
“Come, Pam,” Excalibur said, extending his hand toward her. “I have one more part of my plan to complete. We must visit Eilsel, and seek this person named Sheeta.”
Tears brimming in her large brown eyes, Pohat grabbed Pam with her four arms, pulling her in for a warm embrace. “Thank you, Pamela. You not only saved my life, but my brother's, and all the other Tethians who would have died in that prison without your intervention.”
Pam's mouth formed a response, when BLIP! she disappeared. Pohat took a step back, her eyes opened wide, when she realized she was hugging empty air. She grinned. Leave it to the Shalit to make such a dramatic exit.
She turned around, surveying the area. Shalits in various forms were picking up the silver globes which still contained the Others, and then vanished. She hugged herself, her fur rippling with shivers. Amazing. This is history in the making, but I am the only person to witness it. She must hurry home, and make a detailed report of everything she'd seen. No one would believe her, but at least she knew the truth.
* * *
Pam reappeared, leaning awkwardly forward, her mouth open. “Huh? What?” she said, stumbling forward, trying to catch herself from falling.
Excalibur placed a restraining arm around her waist, drawing her close. “Excuse me, little one. I was a bit overzealous. I should have let you finish saying your farewells, but you seemed uncomfortable, so I thought it best to get us out of there.”
Pam blinked a few times, shading her eyes from the bright sunshine on Eilsel. “Uh, well, I don't normally like hugging people I don't know very well, and not to be mean, but she reeked.” Her pert nose wrinkled. “We can't just leave her out there in the middle of nowhere.”
Excalibur briefly closed his eyes, then grinned down at her. “Do not worry, Pamela. Pohat is safely at home, and I conveyed my apologies for leaving so abruptly.”
Pam leaned up, planting a soft kiss on his tempting lips. “Thank you, honey.” Peering around, she noticed a large domed dwelling, painted in brown and gold. “Where are we?”
Excalibur pointed to the large house. “This is where Sheeta lives. She is inside, resting. I feel she is much improved, although still weak. What I need to do will not require me to have contact with her, but I must still have some close proximity.” His silver eyes glazed, lines appearing on his forehead. After a few minutes, he said with a crooked grin, “My task is done. Each time it gets easier.”
“Speaking of mind manipulations, don't you dare put anymore suggestions in my mind,” Pam said, wagging her finger at him. “If you want me to do something, just ask. Okay?”
His eyes lit up with lust, pulling her tight against his hard body. Pam swallowed, heart racing, feeling his need pressing into her, igniting her own craving. “Since I can read your mind, my mate, I know exactly what you want or need.” His voice dropped lower. “Right now, I see an image of something I would really enjoy doing to you.” He lightly brushed his lips against hers. “We have plenty of time. Why not enjoy it on Lear?”
Pam's whole body was tingling with hunger. How does he evoke such a response from me? But it was heavenly to have someone who was able to read her desires, instead of having to voice them.
They appeared, lying on the bed in the cavern on Lear. Excalibur nuzzled her ear, sending shivers down her spine. “Umm, I totally agree.” He proceeded to please her, in just the way she wanted.
Chapter Seventeen
Pohat sat at a small, cluttered, stone desk in her large, empty ancestral home. Her freshly-washed, red-streaked, brown fur had intricate designs woven all through it. She was wearing a sleeveless, light blue robe, cinched at the waist with a gold belt. She breathed deeply, sighing in satisfaction at the smell of perfume, instead of the prison stench that clung to her before.
Her hands were busy attaching a thin, white string to an empty, metal spool. The other end of the string led a filled spool. As she labored away, her eyes shimmered with unshed tears. This was a recording device her eldest brother, Ganga, found on Eilsel. He knew her passion for documenting and recording historical events, so when he discovered the recorder, he spent what little wealth he had to procure it for her.
Next to her, sat a small box half-filled with spools she'd already recorded. Pohat had thousands of small spools filed away, but she knew these would be the most important. One day, the indestructible, white strings would be played in every school, on all three planets. She was recording history in the making.
After she finished threading the string on the spool, she began speaking. Her native language appeared on a flat screen in front of her before it was inscribed on the thin, white string. As Pohat continued with her novel, her lilting, musical voice drifted out of the doorway, to echo down the empty hallway, where she sat, all alone.
A tear slid over her furry cheek, as she remembered the siblings she'd lost in Bindkall Prison. Her, and Panth, were the only remaining family.
* * *
Panth stepped out of a huge, sunken tub full of warm, soapy water. By Osso, it feels good to be clean again. Grabbing a thick, pink towel, he started rubbing down his clean fur, peering down at the now dirty, scummy water. He was fascinated with the tub. On Teth, they were only allowed to take short showers. It was refreshing to fully immerse oneself under water. While sitting in the warm water, he'd felt his skin sucking up the much needed moisture. He hated getting out of the tub, but duty called. Will I be allowed to take at least one bath a day?
There was a timid knocking on the bathing room door, with the sound of Tig and Tobah giggling on the other side. “Are you finished?” Tobah asked. “We have combs to brush out your fur. Would you like some help?”
What could be better than being attended to by two lovely women? With a grin, he wrapped the large towel around his waist, then shambled over to the door, letting the giggling pair in. Tobah was carrying some brushes, combs, and a crystal bottle, while Tig brought in a padded, pink chair.
Tig eyed him up and down, eyes lighting up. “Cigsbah, you cleaned up very well. Look how shiny your hair is.” She tentatively reached out, touching his arm. “Oh, and it is so soft.” Suddenly shy, she looked down at her feet. “Do you mind if we brush you? We want you to be presentable when we introduce you to the nobles.”
“It would be my pleasure. Even with my four arms, there are places on my back I am unable to reach,” Panth said with a grin. He studied the small, pink
stool. “But I fear I will not be able to use the chair. It will not support my weight, and it is too small for my frame. We can use the bench along the wall.” He shuffled over to the wall and pulled out the bench, then straddled it with two legs on each side, patting the area in front and behind him.
With nervous glances at each other, Tig and Tobah hurried over. Tobah started brushing the right side of Panth, as Tig worked on the other. The two girls brushed away, combing out all the snags and twisted clumps of fur. After they were done with each arm, Tig applied a small amount of perfume underneath each armpit.
As Tobah started on his back, Panth groaned with pleasure. His back had been itching something fierce. When Tig was done with his arms on the left side, she looked up into Panth's face, licking her lips. That caused the towel over Panth's lap to twitch, drawing Tig's attention.
Her eyes widened, as she watched the outline of something growing between his legs. Tig blushed, busying herself with combing his chest, amazed at the amount of muscle hidden beneath all his fur. The lower she brushed, the more the towel jumped, until it was tented in quite an impressive manner. Images of what was hidden underneath tantalized her mind, causing her body to start tingling.
When it came to breeding, Tig preferred an Eilsel over a Calen anytime. They were much better lovers, and they knew how to treat a female. Would a Tethian male be just as good? He definitely has the equipment for pleasuring a woman. Tig bit her lip, staring at Tobah, wishing she would leave. Tobah smiled at her with the same desire reflecting in her eyes.
Suddenly, they all stopped, eyes going back and forth between the other two. They were reading each other's thoughts. The next thing Panth knew, he had a woman in each set of arms. He'd never been with two women at the same time before, and he found it extremely stimulating, his organ swelling to maximum length. Tig and Tobah gave out sighs of pleasure at what they saw poking out from the towel.