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The Revenge of Excalibur Page 14

  *Pamela is calling from Lear,* Weesa mentally interrupted them. *She wishes to see her father. I will guide her teleportation into the throne room, so you will have a chance to meet each other.*

  As Tig and Tobah stood, facing the doorway, two people appeared in front of them. With tight lips, narrowed eyes, and hands on hips, Tig studied them. The male was decidedly handsome, tall, with broad shoulders, but he had too much hair on his face. She shuddered. How would it feel kissing a man with all that hair around his mouth? It would be like kissing a Koodah. Cigsbah.

  He was wearing a bright, white tunic under a gold, metal link shirt. On his back, held by a thong, was a silver sword. Tig's eyes widened. She knew that sword.

  Tig shifted her gaze to the female, her breath catching in her throat. Arthur's daughter was stunningly beautiful, almost comparable to Daisy. Her deep, sapphire blue eyes were accented by long, curly, raven black hair framing her heart-shaped face. Titling her head to gaze adoringly at the giant beside her, Tig noticed a strange zig-zag silver streak flashing in the new Queen's hair. The Earthling was tall, too, taller than Tig or Tobah, but she looked small compared to the Shalit.

  So, this is Arthur's unknown daughter, Pamela, and her Shalit, Excalibur. Tig had to admit, they made a striking couple.

  Tig bowed. “Welcome to Calen, my Queen. I am Tig, and this is Tobah,” she said, nodding toward her friend, who also bowed her head in greeting. “We are, er, were guards and advisors to Daisy and Arthur.”

  “Please, just call me Pam or Pamela. And, this is Cal,” she said, beaming with love at her Shalit.

  “Daisy informed us you are Queen until Arthur recovers,” Tig said brusquely. “We accept Daisy's decree, as you are Arthur's daughter. Unfortunately, many on Calen and Eilsel will not accept your leadership. You are not of their worlds, and are a stranger to them.”

  Pam's smile turned to a frown.” “What are you trying to say, Tig?” She didn't like Tig's tone of voice.

  Tig bowed again. “I meant no disrespect, my Queen. I am the Queen's advisor. It is my duty to inform you of such matters.”

  “We already understand the ramifications of Pam being named Queen, Tigget,” Excalibur said in his deep, rich voice, making Tig's skin tingle. “Pam has no desire to be Queen, or to rule your people. As far as we are concerned, you and Tobah will be in charge until Arthur recovers. We have work that needs attending to on Teth. While we are gone, you will be in charge. If you encounter any problems, let Weesa know, and she will contact us. Advise your people not to make Pam angry. She is, after all, her father's daughter.”

  He winked at Tig, but she wasn't sure if it was a good wink. She gulped, nodding her head.

  Excalibur turned his stern gaze to Tobah, who was also trying not to show her fear as she bit her lower lip. They are afraid of me, because I am a Shalit. He didn't care. He had no interest in ruling them. His only concern was freeing his people, who were buried somewhere on Teth. Once that was accomplished, he and Pam intended on traveling to Earth.

  Being one of the most powerful beings on Calen, Eilsel, and Teth, he didn't fear much. Nevertheless, he wasn't sure if he could be captured or contained again in this 'man' shape. It was his new breeding form, and he was far from helpless in it, but he didn't want to take the chance with these fickle people. The more distance he put between Calen and himself, the safer he would feel.

  “I will take you to see your father now. Follow me.” Tig took off out the room.

  They followed her down a wide hallway to the King's chambers. Pam stared in wonder at all the opulence. By most standards, she lived in a mansion with her mum and step-father, but this place was breathtaking. She felt as if she was walking through a museum.

  When Pam stepped inside the bedroom, she saw Panth holding up Arthur, as Pohat spooned soup into his mouth.

  She rushed over to his side, elated, thinking her father was awake. But when she saw his eyes were still closed, she stopped, uncertain. “How is he doing, Panth? Is he awake?” she asked hopefully.

  Panth looked up at her with sad, brown eyes. “I regret to inform you his condition has not changed. He is only swallowing due to an automatic reflex. I have tried to establish a mental link with him, but I am being blocked. I cannot get through.” Pohat finished spooning the rest of the soup into Arthur's mouth, so they gently laid him back on his pillows, then recovered him with the comforter.

  After they were done, he glanced at Excalibur. “Perhaps the Shalit can break the block. He is more powerful than I am.”

  Pam took her father's left hand, noticing the silver ring still on his pinky finger, but she knew it didn't contain a Shalit any longer. “Would you try, Cal?” she asked with beseeching eyes.

  “I would do anything for you, little one.” Excalibur stepped to the side of the bed, then knelt down next to Pam.

  While he'd been contained in the sword, he flitted in and out of Arthur's mind several times over the years, so he was able to slip back in with no difficulties. His mind flinched from what he discovered. Utter chaos. Arthur was using his own powers against himself. As the Shalit scanned further, he found the problem.

  Excalibur reached out, taking his lover's other hand. “I am sorry, Pam, your father's condition is not good. When the rebels shot Arthur with the silver beam focused through one of the Others, the combined power forced an opening between his conscious and subconscious mind. He is experiencing a total separation of self. The two halves are at war, fighting against one another.”

  “You mean he's trying to commit suicide?” she asked, with a trembling voice.

  “In effect, yes, little one. When your father was hit by the two beams, he fought as hard as he could not to be absorbed by them. His struggle to survive caused the rift in mind.” He looked sadly down at the man he came to know as a friend. “I do not know if this type of damage can be repaired.”

  “You mean, he will stay in a coma forever?” Pam's lips quivered. She'd been too late, again.

  Panth looked with raised, bushy eyebrows at Pohat, who nodded her head, then turned toward Arthur's distraught daughter. “No, Pamela,” Panth said solemnly, as he absently scratched a mite with one of hands. “His energy level will not last that long. He will die.”

  Pam shook her head. “I still don't understand. He was talking fine when we saw him in the cell. What happened since then?”

  “It was his inability to accept a few disturbing facts,” Excalibur said. “He just learned the ring he had been wearing for years contained a female Shalit, that I was the Shalit, Excalibur, and lastly, you were his unknown daughter. These are major events his conscious mind could not accept without the buffering of memory and subconscious.”

  “Excuse me,” Panth interjected, “while I was In the process of trying to heal his mind, I found no signs of the separation you speak of. He was disorientated and confused, yes, but no separation existed between his conscious and subconscious self. There were a few times when he was able to recall some memories of his own.”

  “You may not realize this, but I was also in his mind, as you were trying to heal him, and I did not see the separation either. We were looking into his memories, not his actual conscious; therefore, we did not see it. However, his separation of self is there, I assure you.”

  Panth stared at Arthur, one hand tapping his chin, while the opposite hand held the elbow. His other two hands were busy scratching and itching in various places on his lice infested body. “I see. That could account for his lack of learning. His memory was not accessible for storage.”

  “Correct. And that is why Weesa's theory of teaching Arthur what he has forgotten will not work. He has no memory to retain what he will learn. Unless you can rejoin his mind, he will remain this way until his energy level decreases to the point he expires.”

  “Oh God. This is my fault,” Pam wailed. “I should've kept my big mouth shut. He didn't need to know I was his daughter. He didn't need to know any of it. I should've waited until he was stronger, but I go
t carried away at the sight of him. I'm so sorry, Father.” Pam buried her head in her hands, sobbing.

  Excalibur pulled her into his arms. “No, little one, this is not your fault. When Panth shared his memories with Arthur, they kept your father busy; giving the impression his mind was still functional. Unfortunately, It was not. Any type of disquieting news he heard would have caused him to slip into this coma. If he had been thrown into that cell by himself, he would already be dead. Do not berate yourself, my Pamela.” He tenderly stroked her hair.

  Tig stared open-mouthed at Pam and Excalibur. Daisy is correct; there is definitely a bond between them. She cleared her throat. “If Arthur cannot be healed, how long will he live in his comatose state?”

  Excalibur peered over Pam's shoulder, giving Tig a sad smile. He knew Tig loved Arthur. “Only a few days, and that would be due to Panth and Pohat force-feeding him. Arthur's life force is very weak. When he attacked me at the jail with his psychic blast, he drained what little energy he had remaining. I am sorry, but I do not know any way in which to re-connect his mind.”

  Pam straightened up, wiping her eyes. She had a determined look, her jaw clenched. *Weesa,* she said mentally, *bring me aboard. I need to speak with you alone, if there is such a thing as privacy around here.* Pam gazed up at her new lover. “Cal, please wait here, and could you try again?” His blond head nodded, then Pam disappeared with a soft POP!

  Excalibur stood, and strode away from Arthur's bedside, sitting in a chair in the corner. He watched as Tobah and Tig took his spot, crying over Arthur's unmoving body. Even though he'd been encased in the silver sword, he had mentally bonded with Arthur over the years. They had become friends. From Arthur, he learned about compassion, a concept foreign to Shalits. His people only cared about themselves and their own kind. They never became involved in other species affairs.

  Excalibur also learned the difference between lust and love. Shalits only experienced lust during their breeding cycle. As far as I know, I am the first Shalit to feel love, especially for a different species. His understanding of the difference between lust and love laid the foundation for his plans.

  Pam and Excalibur knew Arthur was dying, and Pam's idea was risky, but most likely fatal. Even if her experiment worked, Calen would still need a new Queen and King. As he watched the interactions between Tobah, Tig, and the Tethians, he started implanting suggestions into their minds. The same type of suggestions he'd embedded in Pam's mind, to help her accept him as a man versus a Shalit.

  These people have a reason to fear us. Not because we absorb energy, but because we are very powerful beings. The Shalits' biggest power happened to be the power of manipulation. Thankfully, for them, Shalits didn't interact with other life forms. But this one time, here, would be the exception. If his plan worked, no more would Shalits have to fear being hunted down and trapped in Husken Silver.

  As Excalibur sat there, observing, he tweaked their minds with feelings, suggestions, and ideas to prepare them for what would happen later. He smiled to himself. They will never know their feelings and ideas aren't their own. Just as he finished his last implanted suggestion, Pam reappeared with a soft POO!

  Pam narrowed her eyes at Excalibur. Ever since they bonded in the cave, Excalibur had finally opened his thoughts to her. She read in his mind what he had done. *Did anyone ever tell you, that you have a devious brain, Cal?*

  *Yes, little one. Just now.* He gave her a disarming smile that made her knees go weak.

  Pam forced her eyes away from Cal. She couldn't wait to get back to the cave with him. As she stepped to the side of the bed, Tobah and Tig made way for her. Pam took her father's hand, tears forming in her eyes. She didn't want to do this, but she had no choice.

  “I've just come back after conferring with your Queen, Daisy, and we've concurred on the only possible course of action. There is no easy way to say this, so I'll just spit it out. Arthur will be leaving with Weesa, and you'll never see him again. So, please say your good-byes.” Pam wiped her eyes, backing away to make room for everyone's last farewells.

  Tig and Tobah started wailing, bending down, and planting kisses on Arthur's forehead. “I love you,” Tig whispered in his ear.

  Pohat tenderly caressed Arthur's forehead, as Panth held his hand and removed the silver ring from Arthur's pinky finger. “Farewell, my brother,” he said huskily, a tear slipping into his fur covered face.

  Arthur's emancipated body disappeared from the bed, the only trace he'd been there, a slight impression in the mattress.

  With a tearful voice, Pam said, “Now that Arthur and Daisy are gone, we must begin seeking a new Queen and King. I won't leave for Earth until they have been found. Then, Daisy and I will coronate them as the rulers of all three worlds.”

  Panth bowed, holding out the silver ring to Pam. She took it with a trembling hand, placing it on the finger next to her grandmother's ring. She kissed it, saying, “Good-bye, Father. Until we meet again.”

  Chapter Sixteen

  Feeling Excalibur standing behind her, Pam turned to see a tear slipping down his face. With big eyes, he swiped the moisture from his cheek, tasting it. “Hmm, salty. Remarkable. I believe I have just made history. Shalits don't cry, as we don't have tear ducts. Or emotions, for that matter. Since you released me, I have been flooded with sensations I have never had to deal with before.” A heaviness in his heart settled over him, as he grieved for his mate's father.

  Pam reached out, wiping a tear sliding down his other cheek. “I believe you're more Human than you realize, Cal.” How I wish I didn't have these emotions to deal with.

  With slumped shoulders and a broken heart, Pam followed the other five mourners back to the throne room. I wish you were here, Mum. I need your strength, and a shoulder to cry on. Pam sighed. She didn't have time to miss the father she never knew. She had prisoners, and bodies to transport back to their home planets, plus Shalits to release. “Panth and Pohat, Cal and I will be leaving for Teth soon. We're going to take your people home. If you want a lift, you can join us.”

  As if a light had been switched on, Tig and Tobah's demeanor changed. They became giddy and started giggling. With a smirk, Pam glanced sideways at Cal. She knew what was going on.

  Tig and Tobah were talking over each other before Tig finally said, “Er, I think, well, WE think,” and she pointed to Tobah and herself, “that the Tethians should stay.” They were both staring at Panth with gleaming eyes. Panth looked a bit uncomfortable, as he shifted around on his four legs. “At least for a short time. They have much to learn about Calen.”

  “That does sound like an excellent idea, Tig. Especially since Panth is one of their leaders,” Pam said with a cocked eyebrow aimed at Cal. He winked back at her.

  “He is our top leader, now that Ganga is dead.” Pohat said, looking at her brother with pride in her eyes. “I wish to return to Teth with you, if I may. Since I was the first one to discover where the Shalits had been hidden, I yearn to see them released from their wrongful imprisonments. How can you tell if the silver contains a Shalit, or one of the Others, Excalibur?”

  Cal chuckled. “The same way you can tell if you are with a Calen or Tethian. I am Shalit, one of the most powerful of us. I know my own kind. We will remove the Others from Teth, and relocate them to a place far out in space, where they will never be released from their prisons. My people will guard them so they will never be a threat to your worlds again. I promise you.”

  Panth was studying the two Calen females, tapping his chin, a sparkle in his large, brown eyes. “Then we are agreed. I will remain on Calen and learn their ways, as they will learn the ways of Teth.”

  Cal winked at Panth. “I am sure you will be doing more than learning, Panth. And you will be an excellent teacher, as well.” Panth frowned, his facial hairs twitching in confusion. Cal slugged him on the shoulder. “Never mind, old man. Just enjoy yourself.”

  Pam shook her head, chuckling at Panth's discomfort. “Tig and Tobah, you're in charge
now. Take care of Panth, and Calen, while we're gone. Pohat, if you wish to leave with us, come stand by me.”

  Pohat shuffled reluctantly next to Pam. She'd never been this close to a Shalit before, and she wasn't looking forward to being teleported again.

  Pam looked at Cal. “Would you do the honor, and take us to Bindkall Prison?”

  “Certainly, little one.” And they were gone.

  Tig stared at the empty spot where they just disappeared from. “What has happened today is quite confusing to me,” she said, throwing her hands up in the air.

  “Me as well,” said Panth. “I lost my brother while incarnated in cell 376. Just as I was ready to give in to their torture, they threw Arthur in with me. Knowing he was the King of Calen, I strove to mend his mind with what little mental energy I had remaining. Even though he was in a horrible physical and mental state, we bonded. Our psyches connected in a way I have never felt before. I am not sure if I loved him, but I felt a deep respect for the man.” He shrugged his wide shoulders. “I not only mourn for a lost brother, but a friend and King as well.”

  Tobah sighed in agreement. “Well, time to get you settled in. We need to find you a room, then we will show you around the palace.” She giggled. “I imagine you will raise some eyebrows. Most Calens have never seen a male Tethian before.”

  Tig nodded, smiling. “They are going to see a lot of this one.”

  Tobah eyed Panth from head-to-toe, nose wrinkled. “First though, I think we should get you a bath. Tethians don't always smell like you, do they? No offense,” she hurried to say, “but, you do cause my eyes to water, and my nose is plugging up.”

  Panth laughed in a deep, guttural rumble. “Do not worry, Tobah. I am not offended.” He raised his four hairy arms. “I am afraid I have become accustomed to the stench. The prison had less than stellar sanitary conditions. Yes, a bath,” he said, scratching two of his armpits. “That would be agreeable, indeed. My fur is infested with mites.”